Welcome to GL Tax and Legal

Global Solutions for Your Corporate Needs

About Us

We are a legal and accounting firm that integrates legal, financial, accounting, and tax services to provide comprehensive solutions tailored to your corporate needs.

Our Practice Areas

GL Tax and Legal

GL Escrow and Title

visit us

Open from 9 am to 5 pm.

On the corner of Transversal 56, and Av. 9, Sabana Norte, Mata Redonda, Central San José.

50 mts east, 25 mts north from the Municipalidad of Esparza, Puntarenas.

Call us

You can call us and we will get back to you.

+506 8859-7872

Write us

You can write to us via WhatsApp and we will respond to you.

+506 8739-6279

Contact us

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